Works > Communist Party USA, 2007

Yevgeniy Fiks: Portrait of Gabe Falsetta, Communist Party USA
Portrait of Gabe Falsetta, Communist Party USA
oil on canvas
36 x 48"

Gabe Falsetta. "Born Brooklyn, New York, 1943. Graduated from the New York School of Printing. In 1961 Served five year apprenticeship with the International Typographical Union (local 6). (now part of the CWA). Attended Cornell Labor School: Associates degree in labor history (never received the actual degree.... laid off from work could not afford to continue). Worked in the graphic arts industry up to 2001 Joined the Party in 2002, October, Office manager/organizer with the Nat'l Org. Dept. Heavily involved with my club and electoral work."

What is your view of the former Soviet Union:
- Too many anti communists — opportunists –– in high places (or as you say, "non-believers" opportunists) Soviet Union born too soon
in the evolutionary process of humankind.

What is your opinion of Mikhail Gorbachev:
- A man with good intentions serving the Union in decline for
reasons above and others.

What is your view of today's Russia:
- At this time going through difficult times as we but I am hopeful for the future. Not only for the people of the Soviet Union but for the rest of the world.